
Sustainable economic growth from one generation to another.
This is our commitment to sustainability, and we dedicate
ourselves to working towards it every day.

Helmet Capital’s role

At Helmet Capital, we enable the growth of selected Finnish SMEs by making majority investments in established companies with competent management and credible growth plans. Founded in 1999, Helmet is one of the first private equity investors in Finland.

Our company is owned by our four partners. Helmet has been active and successful in its investment activities. We have made a total of 59 investments, of which 47 have been exited. Currently, we have 12 active companies in our portfolio.

We require our target companies to commit to our sustainability principles. As active majority owners in our portfolio companies, we have a strong position to directly influence their sustainability efforts and leadership. Our investments are Finnish SMEs with diverse starting points and resources for developing sustainability practices.

We are committed to assisting and supporting our portfolio companies in sustainability issues and the development of responsible practices. As the demands for sustainability increase, we also aim to further educate ourselves on sustainability to provide enhanced value in the board work of our investment companies.

Sustainability principles

As a venture capital firm, the majority of our impact is realized through our portfolio companies. The principle of responsible investing is to act in the best interests of our stakeholders, both during the investment process and throughout our ownership. Our goal is to increase the value of companies while promoting sustainability factors (ESG factors). Growth and sustainability are not mutually exclusive; they bring synergy and better returns.

As an active majority owner, our role forms the foundation of our impact. We can guide the business operations of our portfolio companies to better address global and local sustainability challenges. We make proactive decisions to promote environmental stewardship and enhance human well-being. We are committed to adhering to good governance practices and building sustainable economic growth.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

We focus on sustainability principles that have the most significant impact from our business perspective. We systematically address sustainability challenges and integrate responsibility into the business strategies of our portfolio companies. Reliable and data-driven sustainability reporting is an essential part of our operations. We strengthen both our own and our portfolio companies’ reporting capabilities to meet evolving needs.

Helmet Capital is committed to supporting all of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UN member states have committed to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its goals, which aim to guide the actions of governments and businesses towards a more sustainable future. In our business, we can particularly contribute to six of the goals.

Kuva Helmetin kestävän talouskasvun periaatteista

Domestic economic growth

We help our portfolio
companies generate responsibly
successful businesses. We provide
expertise to grow their operations
and assist in generational transitions.

We support innovations that
promote circular economy and
sustainable development,
creating new business opportunities.

Kuva sosiaalisen vastuun tavoitteista

Person to person

We foster trust and a people-centered culture to support the wellbeing of our own personnel.
We establish confidential and
long-term partnerships with investors
and our portfolio companies.

We also recognize the indirect impact
we have on people and aim for our portfolio companies’ success to create as many good jobs as possible. We create links to combine expertise through corporate collaborations.

Kuvan ympäristövastuuteemoistamme

Our common environment

We pay attention to the climate impacts of business operations and support choices that minimize negative environmental effects. We examine environmental impacts across the
entire value chains of companies.

We promote the development and use of environmental technologies,
which allows us to have a positive
impact on the environment through
our business activities.

How we create value for our investments

We require our portfolio companies to commit to our sustainability principles. As active majority owners in our portfolio companies, we have a strong position to directly influence their sustainability efforts and management.

Our investment targets are Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with varying starting points and resources to develop their own sustainability practices. Therefore, we are committed to assisting and supporting our portfolio companies in addressing sustainability issues and advancing responsible business practices.

As the demands for sustainability increase, we also strive to commit ourselves to further learning about sustainability, so that we can provide even greater value in the board work of our investment companies.

Discover our investments

We have invested almost 300 million euros in our target companies throughout our history. During this time, we have had 59 investment targets, out of which 12 are currently active. The average annual investment rate of return is currently over 18%.

During our ownership, the target companies’ revenues have significantly increased. This, combined with continuous improvement in profitability, has generated substantial value appreciation for investors, entrepreneurs, and company management.